In the end, your life is no more than the sum of what you gave your attention to.
When I’m not folding little socks, taking care of chickens, doing dishes, out in the garden, having heart-to-hearts, or journaling -- I’m a photographer.
I have a desire to do all that I do whole-heartedly. Luke-warm is not an option.
My love for family, marriage, beauty in the ordinary +life as a whole far outweigh my love for photography -- making it that much easier to invest in + enjoy capturing the seasons we walk through + celebrate.
Golden light, earthy tones + genuine love make my soul soar.
We were made in the image of the One who passionately creates + there’s a very real, divine sense of accomplishment + fulfillment when we allow what’s inside of us to spill over into what we create + design.
Availeth Photography is the result of just that.
Even more exciting than how Availeth started, is where it's going!
One of the most unique things about Availeth photography is that booking with me means giving to the least of these.
Not only do you get beautiful memories and images for years to come, but a portion of your session/wedding package goes to feeding the poor, visiting the orphan, taking care of the widow, and just being the hands and feet of Jesus in this world.